
Monday, September 28, 2009

The next adventure

For fear of becoming a mute, I am starting this up once again. While the previous posts are about my summer in Colorado, these will be about the rest of my fall at home. Probably - I suppose that it all depends on if I end up writing very often, we all know how well that went last time. I think I'll have a bit more incentive this time around though; my jaw is going to be wired shut so I'm not going to be able to talk very well if at all. I'm taking this semester off from school, which is strange but not awful, in order to have orthognathic surgery. I guess at this point I should be saying I took the semester off and not I am taking - it's been over a month since school started. I am getting my braces on for my surgery - as I type there are 8 spacers in my teeth to prepare me for the actual braces tomorrow. The day after that comes a pre-op appointment in Detroit, Michigan (where my surgeon is) and then Thursday comes the surgery itself. My mom is going with me and we will spend a week in Detroit together. Pray for us please. I am honestly excited about it though, I think the fear/apprehension won't kick in until the appointment on Wednesday. I am currently in Arkansas and it's good to see friends again. Next time I come down I'll be better about letting everyone know that I'm coming. For now though it's just good to see those who I can and get myself ready. I've realized how much I miss everyone - and how many amazing friends I have in so many different places.