
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Coming home

Well hello there. It's been awhile, I feel as though I should re-introduce myself..... Ha but really, sorry for being MIA for a few weeks. They've been kinda hectic. There is of course much that I want to write about, but I am running a bit low on sleep and exhausted (ergo the silliness, I apologize in advance). I'll see how far I get tonight, then probably just add more posts as I have time :)

Well let's see...where to begin? I guess the biggest thing would probably be that I am officially halfway done with nursing school. Phew. I am so glad to have made it this far without too many breakdowns and without alienating myself from the people I care about too terribly. It's taking a toll on me, for sure, but well, I'm a little proud of myself if you'll allow it. The thought of doing nursing freaked me out at Harding, ergo the abrupt drop and switching of majors. But I'm doing it. And I'm doing okay at it. Please allow a small venting session..... I did well enough in my classes this semester, but I knew nearly as soon as I started that I was not applying myself the way that I should be. I'm still not sure what all it was that caused it, maybe the moving, maybe being utterly burnt out on school, maybe my desire to be with people whom I couldn't be with because of the fact that I was doing nursing school. Meh. Regardless, I was a slacker. But around halfway through the semester I got my act together and applied myself better. Unfortunately I may have been a bit late. Okay you can skip these next few sentences, many mock me, but my grades are important to me. Final grade tally: OB - 92.6%, Med-surg - 91.3%, Patho/Pharm II - A (don't know the final percentage), Gero - no idea yet. He's a turd. Okay, so excluding gero, those look like all A's right? Woot! Not. You see, Lakeview's silly and for some reason decided that the usual 10% grade differences just wasn't good enough. Our grading scale: A 93-100, B 85-92, C 77-84, <77 you might as well forget it, because a C (or a 77%) is the lowest grade you can get in a course, all else is failing. Yeah. So my 92.6% is not good enough by 0.4%. Argh. Yeah, I know, B's are good too. But the ever present perfectionism tells me they're not quite good enough. (I will include that I held A's in all of them until stinkin ATIs, but that's another rant for another day.) Okay, I'm done, moving on. I'm halfway done :) And I've made some amazing friends in the past two semesters. I don't know how I would've made it this far without them. (This also applies to my dear friends who have always been there for me. You all are amazing, and I don't know how I would've made it through all I have, including nursing school, without you.) Monday morning was the last final for most of us, and a group of us decided to go to Champaign to celebrate. It was really fun. Also checked another thing off of my bucket list, rode in a taxi for the very first time :) And second time. Here's a picture of most of us from the night.

 Me, Kalyn, Jamie, Vonnie, Cassie, Ije, Karianne
 Then us being goofy...
These are my closest friends from Lakeview, many of you have heard me talk about them. Chris is on the far right. Plus Thelma, but she didn't come out with us.

Oh, pre-halfway point (the weekend before finals) we had Stacie's shower. Oufti. It went well, but for some reason my mother decided that I should do everything during the actual shower and I was going a bit nuts. I don't like to talk in front of people if I can help it generally, and really not if I don't know exactly what I'm doing and going to say. But I did, and I did okay. And I understand Mom wanting to actually participate and enjoy it, I mean it's her daughter, she shouldn't have to work through it all. The shower went well, Stacie and the guests all enjoyed it (or at least they said they did :), and it was really good to see a lot of people I don't get to see too often anymore. Some pictures:

So this is the sign I made (the morning of the shower :) to put out front. I'm a little proud of it :) But Stacie was taking it to put it up and it was super windy. The balloons flying around, um, "inspired" Mom....
 And this was the result. Haha it's rather symbolic I think - this wedding's going to be the death of all of us (or rather the planning of it)
These are little chocolates my momma made for the shower. I was being all artsy-fartsy before I had to do anything :)
 This is the cake. Freakin stinkin thing won't rotate right - it's right on my computer but when I upload it, it turns. I give up.
 Artsy-fartsy strikes again.
 One of the few duties I asked of mom was to take pictures during it....she kinda failed (giving her a hard time, but really....) so we never got one with everyone there. This was most though, you can kind of see how everything was set up.
 The food table. And Noah, Leticia's adorable boy. Yeah, Mom's cutting the cake with floss. Because she's awesome like that.
 One of the, ahem, 'older' ladies got Stacie this....little awkward. But fun :)

 Mom made these little flower pots for table decorations. Pretty much everything about this shower was handmade :)
Yeah, including the confetti on the tables. Seriously. Because, again, we're awesome

Okay clearly I'm getting a bit goofy as I continue without sleep. Going to go attempt to remedy that. More to come soon, along with lots more pictures (I guess I've been a bit picture happy lately). Night friends