
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Oh dear. Now it really has been awhile since I've written. 3+ months? Wow. I feel like so much has happened in that time. It's incredible really. But, as usual, I don't really have time to give justice to everything. An overview maybe? I start my last semester of college ever (okay, let's be honest, knowing me I'll probably go back someday. but not for a long llooonnnnggg time). Good gravy. I'm so ready to be done but at the same time so don't want to do it. Eh, nothing to it but to do it, right? And then dear friends, I will be a nurse. A nurse!! Eek. What else? My sister is married. Shoot dang. She is now Stacie Jeffries (which I still can't get used to). On that subject, I'm also going to be an aunt again. They are expecting and in January I will welcome a niece or nephew :) Little excited, little scared. I chopped off my hair again, super short. I quite like it. Oh and then there's that minor detail of a boyfriend. Good gracious. Somehow I met an incredible man who I've fallen quite head over heels for. Yeah, weird to hear that from me, I know. But it's true. Terrifyingly so. Anyhow, I'm getting up early to pick a friend up from the airport so it's to be for this chicka. Good to talk to you again; night friends :)