
Thursday, September 1, 2011

2 weeks? 3 months? Years??

Oh dear Barbara.  What a life, eh?  I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed tonight and not really for any good reason.  Went for a short bike ride and just got to thinking about everything that is currently going on, all the changes that I will be facing in the coming months, what some of the choices will entail and the heartache that I will inevitably encounter.  I think what's put me in the funk tonight is that I have the RN comp tomorrow afternoon and I'm seeing it as the first acknowledgment of my impending doom..... Okay not really.  But I am stressed about it.  Getting a 69.3% on it means that you have a 90% chance of passing the NCLEX the first time (it's basically like a mini NCLEX) and on the practice ones I've gotten a 60 and a 64. Eh. I'm more concerned about being able to sit through 150 questions straight. And my two roomies who are two of my closest friends are leaving in like 2 weeks to move halfway across the world.  I have no idea when I will see them again.  And thinking about the NCLEX makes me think about jobs.  And thinking about jobs makes me think about the future and the future makes me think about everything I once thought and dreamed it would include and thinking about my dreams makes me wonder if I'm willing to sacrifice them or trade them in for others or if they are truly sacrifices and how much of your dreams make up who you are and if I want to change who I am.  And so on and so on and so on.  Basically I'm just thinking too much.  I have several months before anything has to be set in stone (although I have already been made to make steps towards that setting).  Oof.  Sorry everybody, this is rambly and seems like I'm complaining, but basically I just need to write some thoughts somewhere.  This is the spot tonight I guess :)