
Thursday, February 17, 2011

And today was a day just like any other...

You know those days when you just wake up and you think "Today? Today's going to be a good one." Well today was one of those for me. I really don't have a good reason, no certain thing that happened to explain it. In all honesty, I should've woken up scared out of my pants because of the patho/pharm 2 test I had today. But I didn't (they were still securely on when I woke up :) Maybe it's the fact that I'm feeling significantly better after two days of being sick, or maybe because the weather is gorgeous after weeks of snow and ickyness, or maybe it's because I've come to some conclusions and am refocusing my life accordingly, or maybe it was because the pesticide guy came to my apartment today and we had awesome conversation, or maybe it was because my patho/pharm teacher told me that I can skip class March 3rd, or maybe it's just because today was Thursday. Dunno. The point is, today was a good day. And I'm thankful for that, and ready to face tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. I'm ready :)

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