
Saturday, February 5, 2011

A few updates, a few dreams, a few insights

There are days when my body just decides to hate me for no logical reason. Today - the latter half - has been one of those days.

The past week has been weird. Good I suppose, but just weird. Sunday was a sleep late and come back to Danville day. Got nothing accomplished. Oh, but I did get sick again. I can't really figure that one out, it's the second Sunday in a row that I've gone to bed and had to get right back up to run to a trash can. I think it may honestly be nerves that I don't consciously realize/acknowledge. It's weird though, I've never been a puker. But it's making me think of my panics, times when I've completely freaked out and didn't have a really legit reason. I digress. Monday was an exam and then clinical. Mid-clinical the weather went nuts, resulting in school being cancelled Tuesday. And Wednesday. Oh and let's not forget about Thursday. It was really nice to not have the two exams that were scheduled for Tuesday, clinical on Wednesday, or the quiz on Thursday. And to have my care plan pushed back another week. Not so nice though is the fact that all of that is now added onto next week and I've lost all motivation and studying skills. Meh, you win some you lose some.

As a result of not having really any social interactions the past few days, I came home mid-Thursday. I had an appointment in Indy today so I was planning on coming home this weekend anyway, but now it's turned into a more long term stay. I was gone most all today but tomorrow I've left open so that I will have to force myself to study. Well I'll at least try.

The doctor's appointment today went really well. It was just a post-surgery follow up type of thing. X-ray should that my bone is completely fused back together already, which is ahead of schedule. I liked that - I mean it's not like I was doing anything to help it, but it's nice that as screwed up as my body is, it can excel at fixing itself. I'm weird.

A good friend of mine who was only in my life for a short amount of time gave me a good diagnosis once. We were talking of traveling and such and I told him about how I get stir crazy if I don't go somewhere fairly often. I need a change of scenery, different surroundings. He told me that I have "restless leg syndrome." Now I realize that this is an actual thing that people actually suffer from, and it's not something that I actually do have in the true sense of the disease, but for some reason I love the application to my desire for travel. My feet itch, my legs can't stay still if I do the same thing over and over in the same place. I'm reaching that point. Last semester nursing school was new and exciting, living at home was different because it was the first time I'd actually unpacked anything while here since the summer of 2006. Really. Last fall I lived out of totes and stuff that had stayed here. And the one summer I was at home was the same thing. Anyway, my "restless leg syndrome" is flaring up. I'm itching to be out of here, to break out of my cycle of school, study, eat, sleep, home on the weekends. And I know myself well enough to know it's just going to get worse until I go completely nuts. I've slept on a couch for the past three nights. Don't ask, it's just something I do when I'm like this. Maybe just a short day trip to someplace random will do the trick. Shoot dang I wish it was warm enough to camp. I'm seriously contemplating a trip to Arkansas next week. For realz.

I was on one of my friends' blogs a couple days ago and ran across a piece of awesomeness. She lives in Tennessee and her and another friend took a roadtrip to see the world's biggest tree house. No joke. This thing is one of the neatest things I've ever seen. Some of you may recall our dreams to live in Baobab trees (which I still thing would be incredibly awesome). Well this is what mine would look like. I now know that I can settle for no less if I were to ever build a tree house. Okay okay, so it would be seriously downsized. I mean I'm small, I can justify that right? I also don't have like twenty years to invest in it. So. Here's the link, you should really look at it. Watch the drool though. One thing though, I don't really care for his story of why he built it, kind of hokey, but the results make the reasoning less significant.

While I was admiring those pictures (and seriously procrastinating on homework) I found a few things. One is a bunch of really stinking awesome pieces of architecture that if I'm really ambitious would love to put on my bucket list to see all of them one day. A link to that:  I will say though, I have already been to four of them. That's a start right? You get to guess which four :)

Man I'm really encouraging the time wasting today aren't I? There's one more though. I also found where I would absolutely love to work. Seriously, if there was a way that I could do this I would. Well maybe just for a few months. But it's supah cool. Link! There's an actual website, but that one has a lot of good pictures. Their actual website says they do tours that may have to be added to my New England roadtrip plans.

I feel the need to mention ice. No ice ice babies included. Everything in this area is just completely coated in ice. It is absolutely gorgeous but has led to some not so pleasant things. For me: a really sore bum. Fall number one was taking my trash out at my apartment. Numbers two, three, four, five.....well then I stopped counting....happened at my parent's when I was being a fool taking pictures. I had a blast though, no sarcasm included. For my mom: a trip to the ER and some seriously swollen lips and nose. And here in a few days what's sure to be some seriously black eyes. Then there's tons of other people who have had actual bad injuries. Again, you win some you lose some. I'll put up some of the pictures I took next time; I haven't put them on my computer yet and I'm not real sure where my camera is currently.

Alright, there's more, but it's 1:30 here and I'm pooped. I hope you all are well. Your new artist for the day (I think I've decided to try to introduce a new band on here with each entry) is going to have to be Alexi Murdoch. I love him. Don't know that I could give you a specific song of his, but most all of them are beautiful. There's one for you - Something Beautiful. Also, Wait and Orange Sky are two of my favorites.

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