
Sunday, March 20, 2011

A bit of a stream of consciousness...actual post to come soon

A favorite quote from tonight: "The greatest part about being a guy...the world's your bathroom. That and you can write in the snow." Gotta love hanging out with my brother and his friends :)

Playlist of the evening: for the rougher days. Partially due to his taste and partially because it's good driving music. Specifics: last train home, closure, take this, hollowman, and fine again. If you're awesome you'll know the artists.

Today's my last real day of break. Oufti. Was it everything I hoped? Yeah, I think it was. It was what I needed in the very least. This next week's going to be hard. Not school-wise, but life-wise. Thankfully I have amazing friends, one of whom is coming to stay with me, possibly two who are.

Supposedly tonight was a full moon and not just that, but the biggest in several years. I saw nothing. Funny how things don't turn out how you think.

Alright, to bed. Or rather couch, my bed's occupied. Hoping for no drama at church tomorrow but at the same time hoping for some closure which will inevitably entail drama. Then wedding planning, frantic packing, back to Danville for hurried homework with company. All in all it'll be an interesting day :)


Tash said...

My bad for occupying your bed :) Next time, I will get the couch and get woken up!!

John Cannaday said...
