
Sunday, March 27, 2011

On the idea of being involved

I desperately want to write on here in length about the past week or so. But it's Sunday night, meaning that tomorrow is Monday and Mondays are killers. So I'll just spend a few minutes.

As you can tell, I'm trying to redo the look of this thing again. I forget how picky I am and how much time I can spend trying to get everything just as I want it. That being said, I'm not sure I like this setup up that much. It may change again.

This past week has been pretty eventful. It was the first one back from spring break, and I had roommate trials the first few days. They went well. I think we both passed. It'll be weird living with JC, a weird dynamic and I'm sure we'll drive each other nuts by the end of it. But he's my brother, and I'm sure we'll come out fine on the other side of it. Also helps that he's set the standard for personal chef and maid pretty high :) I got to go to the OR for clinical on Wednesday which was really cool. I think I'd really like to be an OR nurse. But we'll see. Yesterday I went to the book sale at the library....good grief it was awesome. I made a new friend: Carolina Pe, an awesome elderly Asian woman. She was volunteering at the sale, helping out and such, and just came up and started talking to me (with an accent :) while I was looking around. We were talking and she asked how old I was, I laughed and replied 22....she took like three steps back with her jaw on the floor :) We had a good laugh over it. Anyway, she told me I just had to had to read this one book and she took it back with hers so I could buy it after 2:30, when they were starting the "bag sale." Anyway, there's lots to say on her, but suffice it say I came back at 2:30, she was uber excited to see me again, and I bought way too many books. I gave her my number and hope to hear from her again. There was another volunteer that we talked to for awhile, and then a guy there who I gave Tuesdays With Morrie to (after I had paid and had my box sitting on the table he pointed to it and exclaimed "I was looking for that one!" so I gave it to him, told him I'd already read it and was more than happy to see someone else read it). All in all got four hugs from people I had just met. I think I'm falling in love with this community. Today was the community baby shower at the Boys and Girls Club in Fair Oaks, this really impoverished part of Danville. Some of the girls in their last semester at Lakeview put it on for their legacy project. Again, much to say on that. It was really cool to see how much stuff they had gotten donated for it to give to the mothers. It was also really hard though to see these women who had two or three kids already with another on the way, and obviously not sufficient financial support to bring them up how one would think would be adequately. (Yes I know that's horrid grammar, but I'm tired and having trouble conveying what I mean) But I got to set up and spend time with some of my friends, then helped watched the kids while the moms participated in the shower stuff. I realized today that it's been a long time since I spent time around a lot of kids. Got to hold a 2 month old for a long time though, it was good. One of my friends looked at me at one point and said "This is good birth control." She's totally right.

So anyway, as usual rambly and somewhat incoherent. But a small piece of my past week. This of course says nothing about break; I'll get to that eventually. Night friends.

 The books :) 36 in all, well 38 if you count the ones that are more than one book in a one. Er, yeah. 3 bucks for almost all of them except for a couple that I paid for individually before coming back - I was afraid they'd be gone and they were ones I really wanted.


John Cannaday said...

Two things; I can't wait to be involved and we need to buy a bookshelf.

Tash said...

I was just actually about to say... think we need to get you a book shelf! ha ha. I need to come visit and see JC 's house wife skills in person :)

Stephanie said...

Haha thanks guys - they'll probably get taken back to Rockville where I have not one but three bookshelves :) And you should definitely come see his house wife skills when he moves in!