
Thursday, July 8, 2010


As always, I feel as though I must begin this with an apology. Sorry it's been so long since I've written. But once a month isn't too bad, is it? I'm still at Waunita - that wasn't the original plan, but I'm okay with the decision. I'll probably stay here for a while more, though I'm still unsure as to how long. Tammy (my boss) said that she could use me, and would like for me to if it's what I want to do, through the end of July. It'd be nice to keep working and have more money saved up, but in a strange sort of way I think I'm a bit homesick. It's weird, I don't get homesick really. And I'm not really sure what it is that I'm missing, or where it is that I'm wanting to be. It makes me think of one of my favorite books, The Blue Sword. Here's some of it: "She had not wept herself to sleep since her first night in the king's tent and she thought, carefully, rationally, that it was hard to say exactly what she was homesick for...That sickness of dislocation came to her most often when she was most at ease in the strange adventure she was living. She might be staring at the line of Hills before them, closer every day, watching how sharply the edges of them struck into the sky...and suddenly she would be gasping with the thing she called homesickness." A bit random, but it's a close comparison to how I've been feeling as of late.

I've been well. Happy. I traded days off with Ashley so that I could go fishing today (today was hers and tomorrow was mine, but we switched). It was Eric, two guests Ron and Kip, and Dani and Brianne - another guest who is awesome, she hung out with us a lot last year. Downside to the day was that we had to be in the lodge at 5:30am. Ugh. I've been breakfast server this week so I haven't been getting much sleep as is. But we made it - Dani stayed here so we would both wake up. I caught one rainbow trout and together we caught 13 fish. We didn't get back to the ranch until about 4pm - I slept like a rock in the excursion on the way home. I daresay I'll go to bed pretty early tonight. Or at least that I should :)

JC and Jen have been emailing me and while it's great to hear from them, it makes me a bit sad. Did I make the right decision? I sure hope so. Then again, I'm not a believer in right and wrong decisions. While some choices obviously have a right and wrong answer, I believe that most just have answers. What you do is what you do, and
either direction will lead you somewhere. I chose to stay here and I am happy with that. I am still living, still moving forward, still me. And while I may continue to wonder what I have missed, I know that I will have plenty of amazing memories from whatever my summer brings me.

Stacie's dating some guy pretty seriously. It terrifies me. If they are engaged before I meet him - or for that matter, anytime this year - I think I will have a hard time forgiving her/accepting it. That's not fair of me, I know, but I am uber protective of her - of all of my family - and I do not want to see her hurt.

Justin bought a house and is in the process of moving in. I wish I was there for it. I missed Stacie moving in to her apartment as well, and I didn't like it. I feel like I miss out on so much when I'm not at home, but I think I would have the same feeling no matter where I was. That's part of having your friends spread out all over the place, part of living life. I hope to move in with him when I get home, but that is up to him.

I start nursing school in August. Scary, exciting, nerve wracking. A little of everything. If everything goes as planned though, I will be in school this fall, spring, summer, and fall and then graduate (for the second time :) in December 2011. Whew. That's hard for me to think about. But like I said, a bit exciting. I'm hoping to move closer to the school after a little while - it'll be an hour commute. We'll see how that goes.

Well this has been a bit rambly, but it's a little bit about most of the things I've been thinking about. Hopefully I'll be better at this - but that's always the hope :). I'll put some pictures on here for you.

This is Dani and I doing goofy faces before the movie - Eclipse! We had a girls night out on Saturday and got all dressed up and went to Crested Butte, about an hour and a half away. Being the silly people we are though, we forgot to take any real pictures of us.

These are some of the fireworks from the fourth of July - pretty much all of the staff and a couple of guests went into town to watch them.

This is what the lake that we fished on today was surrounded by. Talk about gorgeous, mountains and sky every direction you looked.

And this is Brianne, Dani, and I on the boat today. We should've taken pictures of the fish too, but we forgot. Gives us more room to exaggerate :)

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