
Sunday, December 19, 2010


So I'm having a bit of a problem. I desperately want to write and feel like I'm going to burst with all I have to say, from my surgery to recent experiences to my family to upcoming Christmas to my little random tidbits that I inevitably have. I even have plenty of time to write, which is generally the main thing working against me. So what is the problem then you ask. Ah. Yes, well, you see I currently only have use of one of my arms, thankfully my right, dominant, one. My left is in a splint/cast from my knuckles to my mid upper arm. Ergo, I am chicken-pecking (a big pet peeve of mine) with just one hand. This is proving to be very time consuming and prone to typos. (For example, what I have written to this point has taken me nine minutes. Yes, I timed it. The use of the backspace key proved to be impossible to count.) So though I am irritated to the extreme with all of this, I;m afraid this will have to suffice for now. I'll include some pictures (sans captions, just to keep you guessing) to liven things up a bit. 

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