
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Part I

Argh! Of course, been wanting to get on here for awhile, it just hasn't seemed to happen. Blah blah, we all know the routine.

Some fun facts for you: this morning Terre Haute was the coldest place in the nation. For realz. I thought that was pretty cool, and pretty random. It has been dang cold here lately though. Ugh. Funny story on that note - I scraped off my car to drive to Danville Monday morning (my dad, being the awesome dad that he is, started it for me way before I had to leave), but I only scraped where I needed to be able to see, figuring that the rest would melt once I got going, as it usually does. Ha. Yeah, I was that fool driving around in a car that only has the driver's side of the windshield clear. Apparently when it's below freezing outside ice doesn't melt. Whoda thunk. There's a picture of when it was snowing; most all of this snow is still here because it hasn't got warm enough to melt it.

This is (thankfully) the last week of classes. Phew. I've actually only had about half of what I normally do, didn't even have to drive to D-ville yesterday because we didn't have class. I had my last actual class today, tomorrow I have my final test-out for skills lab, then next week I have a paper to turn in online, and only have to go to Danville once, on Wednesday, for my patho/pharm final. Woot! The end is in sight. Well, at least the end of this semester. Only three more to go..../:

So there are quite a few things I want to write about and, surprisingly, a lot of them have pictures. One is silly but makes me happy. When Thanksgiving break started I put school and all things related completely out of my mind. For some strange reason I got on a cleaning kick, and one thing that I cleaned was our cereal cabinet. I found a box of stale cheerios and instead of just throwing them outside like most people would, I decided hey, it's close-ish to Christmas, I should make a cheerio chain. So that's what I did. I don't think I ever realized just how long those things take. I only used about half of what was left of the box and the string was twice my height. I have no idea how long it took me. But I decided to be done with it, took it outside and hung it in a tree (which is quite the struggle for someone my height), and took a picture. Voila!

So it's kind of hard to see and it looks a little pitiful, but I sure had fun. This was of course pre-snow.

There's plenty more to write about, but I think this will have to do for now. Consider it part one of promised epic entry. Stay tuned for part two!

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