
Saturday, May 9, 2009


Today was my first actual day home. And it was probably one of my favorite first day backs ever. To start things off, I was woken up around 7:30 by Dylan tip-toeing over to me with a picture that he had been coloring for the last who knows how long. He didn't intend to wake me up, but he did. So I grabbed him and pulled him into bed with me. He spent the next hour or so getting books, bringing them back, and reading them to me. Somewhere in the middle of all that I fell back asleep and then woke up around 10 to him bringing me the phone - I had to go to the eye doctor. Did that and when I came back I had the house to myself. I decided to tackle the unpacking process...ew. Got everything carried upstairs, couldn't handle the indoors anymore and threw on old clothes, boots, and a rain coat to trek the woods. It's so green already! Apparently it's been raining quite a bit here though. Everyone's pretty pessimistic about finding anymore mushrooms this year, but I'm holding out. At least one before I leave. And for those not from Indiana or other areas where mushroom hunting is commonplace, it's probably not what you're thinking. But yes, it's pretty country. Basically you go out into the woods for extended periods of time and look for a morels - a type of mushroom - that are really good to eat. Part of my childhood and just an excuse for me to spend copious amounts of time in the woods, not that I really need the excuse. So I spent a few hours traipsing through the rain with Barkley (our dog) and had a great time. The rest of the evening was spent unpacking, getting rid of stuff, spending time with my family, laughing at 'western' clothes, and avoiding sleep. Which I should probably stop doing.

This is a picture of the house on the way back up from the woods. Buildings from left to right: our house, the shed if y
ou can make it out, and our barn.

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