
Friday, May 1, 2009


Hi all! I decided to start this thing...again. This will be the third attempt, though this one is for different reasons. I am going to be gone from home this summer, away from everyone that I know so I thought that maybe beginning this and making it public would be an easier way to stay in touch and up to date. Who am I though? For those who don't know me that well, and for my own sake of having a sort of introduction, I'll write a little bit about myself. Hi, my name is Stephanie. No, far too unoriginal. I am just a girl, trying to live my life for the one who gave it to me. I am in college, going for a degree of...nothing. General studies - because I can't really make up my mind and because what I really want to do, I don't want the degree for. I'll graduate in a year and from there it'll just be playing it from ear. I think that'll do for a bit of an intro...and we're off!

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