
Thursday, May 28, 2009


So I'm realizing how bad I am about writing on here. I really do aim to put more, I just haven't. I've been at Waunita for almost two weeks now, and I still really enjoy it. It is hard, and all of us house girls just about had a meltdown on Monday, but we are surviving. This is our first week with guests, and it makes everything so much different, and so much more work. We thought spring cleaning was hard, and it was, but this is just a different hard I guess. And the bad part about this week? There are only 11 guests here. Well, that's okay I suppose. The bad part is that next week there are 44. I'm the breakfast server next week (our daily jobs are separated into four main categories that we rotate through one week at a time) which means that I will get up uber early to set up for breakfast and then take everyone's orders. Oof. For someone who has never done any waitressing (and is rather accident proned) that's a bit intimidating. But I'll make it. All of our jobs are difficult, but we all help each other out. Today was my 'day off' which was a bit strange; it's weird knowing that everyone else is working while you're just sitting around. But I best get used to it, I'm going to need those days off. We had our first square dance tonight too, we'll have one every week. Okay, it's time for bed, tomorrow is a 7.30 start which means up at 6.30. I'll put up a couple pictures...

These are the house girls - from left to right Mallory, Me, Krystal, Kandace, and Hannah who is kind of a house girl but not really, she's a part time helper. Oh, and you can see Tomichi Dome in the background. I'm going to hike that before I leave (hopefully)!

Goofy picture!

These are us, the four house girls. We call ourselves the cinderellas because we're always doing all the house work and such.

Some of the guys wanted to take a picture since their matching shirts came in for the square dance tonight (the girls haven't made it yet). From left to right - Kolby, Eric (from Texas, we have three Eric's altogether), Jonas, and Casey.

I haven't taken as many pictures as I mean to, Kandace has a lot though (we have the same camera too). I'll put more up soon though!

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